Selection Sort:

  • Consider an unsorted array A = [5,2,3,1,6]. In Selection Sort, let us take another empty array B.
  • We will then take the minimum element from A and put it in B and keep on repeating this step till array A is empty.
  • Now all the elements in array B are sorted. We can then copy these elements to array A.
  • Problem: This method will need an extra space for another array B. This is not an in-place algorithm. In-Place Algorithm takes constant amount of extra memory.

Selection Sort (In-Place):

  • Consider an unsorted array A = [5,3,2,1,6]. Here the first minimum element is 1 which is A[3] so we will exchange it with A[0].
  • It will look like A = [1,3,2,5,6]. Now find the second minimum element from 1 to end of array which is 2 i.e.A[2], replace it with A[1].
  • Repeat the process till the end of array.
def SelectionSort(A,n):
    for i in range(n):
        iMin = i
        for j in range(i+1,n):
            if A[j]<A[iMin]:
                iMin = j
                temp = A[i]
                A[i] = A[iMin]
                A[iMin] = temp
    return A

A = [5,3,4,2,1]
ans = SelectionSort(A,len(A))
print ans

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