Data Types in Hadoop:

Hadoop provides _Writable _interface based data types for serialization and de-serialization of data storage in HDFS and mapreduce computations.


Serialization is the process of converting object data into byte stream data for transmission over a network across different nodes in a cluster or for persistent data storage.


It is reverse of serialization and converts byte stream data into object data for reading data from HDFS. Hadoop provides _Writables _for serialization and deserialization purpose.

Why do we need Writable class in Hadoop?

Hadoop framework definitely needs Writable type of interface in order to perform the following tasks:

  • Implement serialization
  • Transfer data between clusters and networks
  • Store the deserialized data in the local disk of the system

Implementation of writable is similar to implementation of interface in Java. It can be done by simply writing the keyword ‘implements’ and overriding the default writable method.

Writable is a strong interface in Hadoop which while serializing the data, reduces the data size enormously, so that data can be exchanged easily within the networks. It has separate read and write fields to read data from network and write data into local disk respectively. Every data inside Hadoop should accept writable and comparable interface properties.

How can Writables be Implemneted in Hadoop?

Writable variables in Hadoop have the default properties of Comparable. For example:

When we write a key as IntWritable in the Mapper class and send it to the reducer class, there is an intermediate phase between the Mapper and Reducer class i.e., shuffle and sort, where each key has to be compared with many other keys. If the keys are not comparable, then shuffle and sort phase won’t be executed or may be executed with high amount of overhead.

If a key is taken as IntWritable by default, then it has comparable feature because of RawComparator acting on that variable. It will compare the key taken with the other keys in the network. This cannot take place in the absence of Writable.

Can we make custom Writables? The answer is definitely ‘yes’. We can make our own custom Writable type.

The steps to make a custom type in Java is as follows:

public class add {
    int a;
    int b;
    public add() {
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;

For implementing Writables, we need few more methods in Hadoop:

public interface Writable {

void readFields(DataInput in);

void write(DataOutput out);


Here, readFields, reads the data from network and write will write the data into local disk. Both are necessary for transferring data through clusters. DataInput and DataOutput classes (part of contain methods to serialize the most basic types of data.

Suppose we want to make a composite key in Hadoop by combining two Writables then follow the steps below:

public class add implements Writable{

public int a;

public int b;

public add(){




public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {




public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {

    a = in.readInt();

    b = in.readInt();


 public String toString() {

    return Integer.toString(a) + ", " + Integer.toString(b)



This custom type cannot be compared with each other by default, so again we need to make them comparable with each other.

What is WritableComparable and the solution to the above problem:

As explained above, if a key is taken as IntWritable, by default it has comparable feature because of RawComparator acting on that variable and it will compare the key taken with the other keys in network and If Writable is not there it won’t be executed.

By default, IntWritable, LongWritable and Text have a RawComparator which can execute this comparable phase for them. Then, will RawComparator help the custom Writable? The answer is no. So, we need to have WritableComparable.

WritableComparable can be defined as a sub interface of Writable, which has the feature of Comparable too. If we have created our custom type writable, then why do we need WritableComparable?

We need to make our custom type, comparable if we want to compare this type with the other.

We want to make our custom type as a key, then we should definitely make our key type as WritableComparable rather than simply Writable. This enables the custom type to be compared with other types and it is also sorted accordingly. Otherwise, the keys won’t be compared with each other and they are just passed through the network

How can WritableComparable be implemented in Hadoop?

The implementation of WritableComparable is similar to Writable but with an additional ‘CompareTo’ method inside it.

public interface WritableComparable extends Writable, Comparable

    void readFields(DataInput in);

    void write(DataOutput out);

    int compareTo(WritableComparable o)


With the use of these Writable and WritableComparables in Hadoop, we can make our serialized custom type with less difficulty. This gives the ease for developers to make their custom types based on their requirement.

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