Google File System


Google developers routinely deal with large files that can be difficult to manipulate using a traditional computer file system. The size of the files drove many of the decisions programmers had to make for the GFS's design. Another big concern was scalability, which refers to the ease of adding capacity to the system. A system is scalable if it's easy to increase the system's capacity. The system's performance shouldn't suffer as it grows. Google requires a very large network of computers to handle all of its files, so scalability is a top concern.

Because the network is so huge, monitoring and maintaining it is a challenging task. While developing the GFS, programmers decided to automate as much of the administrative duties required to keep the system running as possible. This is a key principle of autonomic computing, a concept in which computers are able to diagnose problems and solve them in real time without the need for human intervention. The challenge for the GFS team was to not only create an automatic monitoring system, but also to design it so that it could work across a huge network of computers. The key to the team's designs was the concept of simplification.

Files on the GFS tend to be very large, usually in the multi-gigabyte (GB) range. Accessing and manipulating files that large would take up a lot of the network's bandwidth. Bandwidth is the capacity of a system to move data from one location to another. The GFS addresses this problem by breaking files up into chunks of 64 megabytes (MB) each. Every chunk receives a unique 64-bit identification number called a chunk handle.

By requiring all the file chunks to be the same size, the GFS simplifies resource application. It's easy to see which computers in the system are near capacity and which are underused. It's also easy to port chunks from one resource to another to balance the workload across the system.


Google organized the GFS into clusters of computers. A cluster is simply a network of computers. Each cluster might contain hundreds or even thousands of machines. Within GFS clusters there are three kinds of entities: clients, master servers and chunkservers.

Role of Client:

  • "Client" refers to any entity that makes a file request. Requests can range from retrieving and manipulating existing files to creating new files on the system. Clients can be other computers or computer applications. You can think of clients as the customers of the GFS.

Role of Master:

  • The master server acts as the coordinator for the cluster. The master's duties include maintaining an operation log, which keeps track of the activities of the master's cluster. The operation log helps keep service interruptions to a minimum -- if the master server crashes, a replacement server that has monitored the operation log can take its place.

  • The master server also keeps track of metadata, which is the information that describes chunks. The metadata tells the master server to which files the chunks belong and where they fit within the overall file.

  • Upon startup, the master polls all the chunkservers in its cluster. The chunkservers respond by telling the master server the contents of their inventories. From that moment on, the master server keeps track of the location of chunks within the cluster.

There's only one active master server per cluster at any one time (though each cluster has multiple copies of the master server in case of a hardware failure). That might sound like a good recipe for a bottleneck -- after all, if there's only one machine coordinating a cluster of thousands of computers, wouldn't that cause data traffic jams? The GFS gets around this sticky situation by keeping the messages the master server sends and receives very small. The master server doesn't actually handle file data at all. It leaves that up to the chunkservers.

Role of ChunkServers:

  • Chunkservers are the workhorses of the GFS. They're responsible for storing the 64-MB file chunks. The chunkservers don't send chunks to the master server. Instead, they send requested chunks directly to the client.

  • The GFS copies every chunk multiple times and stores it on different chunkservers. Each copy is called a replica. By default, the GFS makes three replicas per chunk, but users can change the setting and make more or fewer replicas if desired.


A read request is simple -- the client sends a request to the master server to find out where the client can find a particular file on the system. The server responds with the location for the primary replica of the respective chunk. The primary replica holds a lease from the master server for the chunk in question.If no replica currently holds a lease, the master server designates a chunk as the primary. It does this by comparing the IP address of the client to the addresses of the chunkservers containing the replicas. The master server chooses the chunkserver closest to the client. That chunkserver's chunk becomes the primary. The client then contacts the appropriate chunkserver directly, which sends the replica to the client.


Write requests are a little more complicated. The client still sends a request to the master server, which replies with the location of the primary and secondary replicas. The client stores this information in a memory cache. That way, if the client needs to refer to the same replica later on, it can bypass the master server. If the primary replica becomes unavailable or the replica changes, the client will have to consult the master server again before contacting a chunkserver.

The client then sends the write data to all the replicas, starting with the closest replica and ending with the furthest one. It doesn't matter if the closest replica is a primary or secondary .Google compares this data delivery method to a pipeline.

Once the replicas receive the data, the primary replica begins to assign consecutive serial numbers to each change to the file. Changes are called mutations. The serial numbers instruct the replicas on how to order each mutation. The primary then applies the mutations in sequential order to its own data. Then it sends a write request to the secondary replicas, which follow the same application process. If everything works as it should, all the replicas across the cluster incorporate the new data. The secondary replicas report back to the primary once the application process is over.

At that time, the primary replica reports back to the client. If the process was successful, it ends here. If not, the primary replica tells the client what happened. For example, if one secondary replica failed to update with a particular mutation, the primary replica notifies the client and retries the mutation application several more times. If the secondary replica doesn't update correctly, the primary replica tells the secondary replica to start over from the beginning of the write process. If that doesn't work, the master server will identify the affected replica as garbage.


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